Teleworking for Injured Federal Workers

This has become a more frequent method of employment. A couple of years ago, I presented a paper on this topic to the American Bar Association. This is not a “black and white” situation. It is very grey.This has become a more frequent method of employment. A couple of years ago, I presented a paper on this topic to the American Bar Association. This is not a “black and white” situation. It is very grey. Employees Compensation Appeals Board (ECAB) has been narrowly construing covering. (See I.S. and Department of Veterans Affairs April 11, 2014; 114 LRP 20608).An accident occurring while actually working at home would be covered. However, an accident occurring while eating lunch probably would not be covered. An accident while on personal comfort (ex using the restroom) should be covered. A difficulty in these cases is the establishment of the fact of injury as there are usually no witnesses.


Inconsistent Evidence in Federal Workers Comp Cases


Federal Workers Compensation Fraud