Frequently Asked Questions (Schedule Awards & Payments)
Additional FAQs
The Federal government will easily collect anyone’s money, but they do not easily give it back. That is why having an attorney who is ready to track these timely claims is important and can make the difference between waiting months vs. years.
There is no way to predict how much any injured worker will obtain. This is because every injury is different. Schedule awards compensate injured workers for permanent damage done to their body. No one persons’ impairment is the same as another. This means having a doctor who will provide the most accurate impairment is critically important.
Schedule awards are either mailed checks, or obtained from direct deposit. However, the Department of Labor often mails checks without notifying injured workers. We are deeply familiar with these situations and can help make sure you get your money, and are paid the correct amount.
We do not take any percentage of anyone’s schedule award. We are required to charge by the hour for the work we have done on any file. However, we understand the importance of being compensated for your injuries. We will make sure our work does not soak up your award.
No, the only requirements to be eligible for a schedule award is 1) to be declared Maximally Medically Improved (MMI), and 2) not receiving any compensation from the department of labor. Retirement means you no longer will receive compensation from the Department of Labor and are eligible under the second requirement.
Federal Workers’ Compensation claims never settle. Just because you have received a schedule award does not mean you are not entitled to more benefits or another schedule award later on. We are here for the long haul and can help determine if you are entitled to more compensation.
If you are unable to work because of your injuries, or your employer does not have work for you within your restrictions, you must complete and submit a CA- Claim for Compensation. However, not every CA-7 is approved. We can help fight the Department of Labor and file motions on your behalf for time off.
Federal employees who are asked to travel to attend a doctor’s appointment at the direction of OWCP should complete a CA-957 (A) or (B) form outlining the distance. In our experience, the Department of Labor does not easily provide mileage reimbursement. Luckily, this is one of the many services our family can help with.
It depends on both what type of Workers’ Compensation you are collecting and what type of Social security. Another reason why having a lawyer is critically important to making sure you are correctly compensated.
You have rights under FECA guidelines to dispute an denial of compensation. You have to file an appeal to the decision denying your compensation. This appeal has to be timely and properly submitted to OWCP.
There are no strict rules on how long any individual can remain on Workers’ Comp, but there is no such thing as Permanent Total Disability in federal workers’ comp.
No, retirement can often be advantageous to your Federal Workers’ Compensation claim. However, each situation is unique and requires significant investigation to make sure you have the best opportunity for compensation regarding your claim.
Sadly, no there is not.
No, unfortunately it does not.
Unfortunately, it does not.
We wish we could say it does, but it does not.
Yes, having the proper representation can help maximize your potential award. These cases can be quite complex. Getting an experienced lawyer on your side will do a lot to both speed up the process and assure you get the largest award possible.