Does federal workers’ compensation cover injuries sustained in a workplace assault?
Does federal workers’ compensation cover injuries sustained in a workplace assault?The answer depends on the circumstances surrounding the assault. If the assault is a consequence of work or conditions surrounding work activity, the resulting injuries would likely be covered by federal workers compensation.The answer depends on the circumstances surrounding the assault. If the assault is a consequence of work or conditions surrounding work activity, the resulting injuries would likely be covered by federal workers compensation.If the assault stems from a personal relationship outside of the workplace, the injuries would most likely not be covered. The grey area would be if the work place or job duties heightened or motivated the assault, there might be some coverage.If you are injured in a work place assault, you should contact attorney Alan J. Shapiro to discuss the specifics of your incident and any potential compensation for injuries. Filing claims in a timely manner is vital, so call right away to discuss your options.